Personal Development Summary including RSHE
Personal, Social and Health Education are taught alongside Relationships and Sex Education as part of the Personal Development Curriculum. Our form time programme is fully spiralised and goes above and beyond in terms of offering a rich amount of knowledge and skills for students to set them up for their present and future lives.
We utilise a programme called Unifrog for our PSHE planning and our careers platform. The Personal Development planning, assembly rota, workshops offer and communication to staff and students is responsive and adaptive to any needs and challenges we face, for example we regularly adapt our planning in line with our safeguarding data.
PSHE also encompasses Citizenship and RE and wider knowledge about British Values. Citizenship is taught within both the Form Time tutor PSHE programme but also as separate units within the RE curriculum to meet statutory and non statutory guidance. RE is planned in line with SACRE recommended learning for Bedford Borough schools. Both Citizenship and RE schemes of works are available on the curriculum sections of the website or via request to the Personal Development Lead.
At Kempston Academy we celebrate diversity within a safe environment. This includes exploring what it is to be British in the twenty first century. Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural development (SMSC) is built into the very fabric of who we are as a school community.
All curriculum areas have a contribution to a child’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural well-being and understanding. Daily assemblies are delivered and provide students with the time to reflect on and explore a range of themes. These themes include ‘British values’ such as the rule of democracy, fairness and tolerance
British Values and SMSC
The DFE has strengthened guidance on actively promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011. Schools and academies have a duty to challenge extremism in all forms. At Kempston Academy we explore the dangers of extremist behaviour through our core Citizenship programme, as well as through the assembly programme.
Form Time PSHE Lesson Overview xlsx - Spiral curriculum model
download_for_offlineForm Time PSHE Lesson Overview xlsx - Spiral curriculum model
- KA RSE Policy download_for_offline