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Kempston Academy

Equality Objectives



Kempston Academy stands against all forms of discrimination including of the protected characteristics: https://www.gov.uk/discrimination-your-rights

This is achieved through the following objectives:

1. Promotion of cultural understanding and awareness of different religious and non religious beliefs within our school community.

2. Monitoring and promotion of the involvement of all groups of students in the extra-curricular life of the school, including leadership opportunities, especially students with special educational needs and disabilities.

3. Promoting equity by actively closing gaps in attainment and achievement between students and all groups of students; especially students eligible for free-school meals, students with special educational needs and disabilities, looked after children and students from minority ethnic groups.

4. Continuing to improve accessibility across the school for students, staff and visitors with disabilities, including access to specialist teaching areas.

5. Endeavouring to ensure diversity in the staff body and in leadership roles.

6. Reducing the incidence of the use of racist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic and sexist
language by students in the school, through a responsive safeguarding and personal development curriculum that is adaptive to issues based on our safeguarding data. 

7. Reviewing relevant school policies to ensure they clearly reflect the aim of inclusivity, including protected characteristics in the curriculum which are audited each academic year by subject leaders.