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Kempston Academy


Kempston Academy is a school where all students and staff have the opportunity to grow, individuals are inspired, their success is enabled and there are opportunities for all. We believe in the potential of all young people to grow and succeed at the highest levels regardless of their starting points or personal circumstances. Our curriculum is engineered to be ambitious and accessible for all students.

We will guide students through a wide variety of challenging opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom as we aim to provide a fully inclusive learning environment which celebrates curiosity, working hard and being resilient.

We want our students to flourish as knowledgeable and aspirational citizens who are ready to participate and grow in a rapidly changing world. We plan for the acquisition of as much knowledge, skills and experiences as possible whilst at Kempston Academy. The ethos of education at Kempston Academy is that all students know more, remember more and have the ability to be able to choose their future path because we have provided the right foundations for them to step confidently forward.

The Curriculum Overview Documents can be found below and within the individual Subjects pages

 Curriculum Overview Documents KS3



Curriculum Overview Documents KS4